Children learn if they are enthusiastic about knowing if their achievements and mistakes are valued, if they are accompanied and encouraged to find the best of themselves.Cynthia Delonc, Head of Kindergarten
We provide bilingual education for children aged 1 to 5 and we accompany their growth by providing them with the support they need, recognizing their achievements, transmitting values and stimulating the development of trust, autonomy and socialization.
We organize teaching in units of inquiry, projects and sequences across all areas of knowledge.
The development of spoken language is achieved through meaningful experiences as storytelling and story development, dramatizations, description of images, both in their mother tongue and in
English. We also emphasize the teaching of multiple languages that make up the social and educational settings where children are involved (computers, radio, television, cell phones).
We perform learning experiences inside and outside our kindergarten: we visit a friend's house, a farm, a zoo, art museums and theatres.
Recreational activities for children to develop their creative potential are promoted, at all times. We offer adequate space and necessary equipment for them to play, dress up, interpret everyday life roles, share and have fun while learning.
We work with the educational psychology school team to ensure that each student progresses as expected for their age.
We coordinate meetings with parents with external or in-house professionals to reflect on topics or issues particular to the needs of the children or the parents.
We invite families to participate in different events throughout the year such as the Book Fair, the Art Exhibition, the "Concerts", the "Sports day", etc.