Our overall goal is to ensure that our students are supportive community members who commit to service and who act to impact, positively, on the lives of people. We believe that they can be agents of change in the world in which they live and we encourage their active role in those institutional projects they participate in, taking on increasing levels of responsibility according to their maturity.
In charity activities students practice values such as sharing, accepting differences, taking action to help and considering the needs of others. The achievements are reflected in a greater self-awareness and in the exercise of empathy, in the ability to interact in different contexts, in the reawakening of their actions´ ethical implications and in the development of own charity projects.
We work with the method of "experiential learning", with which the idea is to plan an activity, put it into practice, observe the entire process, reflect on what it has been experienced and apply it on new experiences.
As we believe that the only way to educate is through example, we invite all members of our educational community to work with students. We also have ongoing collaboration of former students who participate in our projects, which include, among others, weekly visits to a retirement home, to a home for children in transit and to "Food Bank Foundation". In addition, once a year we visit and work in our two sponsored schools: a boundary school in the province of San Juan and a rural one in the province of Entre Rios.